In this modern world, where it is more important to get “things” more than act as human beings, we forget about the fact that the more we relate to others, the more we humanize ourselves.
I cannot avoid to connect this chapter in the normal way teachers sometimes treat children when they work at school so many hours.
I’ve met many teachers that work in many schools and have lots of students in order to get a higher salary and live more comfortable so they are always tired and treat their students as things, or numbers to remember them.
They do not get to know them or do not pay attention to their social backgrounds or needs but they’d rather increase their bank account.
As teachers, we have to consider that we work with human beings, and we are responsible for our acts.
Respect is reciprocal. When we give respect, we also get respect in return. This is true in our relationships with our children as well.
I cannot avoid to connect this chapter in the normal way teachers sometimes treat children when they work at school so many hours.
I’ve met many teachers that work in many schools and have lots of students in order to get a higher salary and live more comfortable so they are always tired and treat their students as things, or numbers to remember them.
They do not get to know them or do not pay attention to their social backgrounds or needs but they’d rather increase their bank account.
As teachers, we have to consider that we work with human beings, and we are responsible for our acts.
Respect is reciprocal. When we give respect, we also get respect in return. This is true in our relationships with our children as well.
"One treats others with courtesy not because they are gentlemen or
gentlewomen, but because you are." (H.G. Hendricks)
I really like Henrichs' quote, Giyo! Who was he, BTW?
As a rule of thumb, I'm mistrustful of generalizations... I do not agree, for instance, that no one prioritises human relationships in today's world... though I definitely agree this is not the message advocated by those with the highest rating on Argentinean TV, for instance... :-(
Also, in my experience, teachers who fail to treat their students as human beings do not do it 'cause they're all concerned about "raking it in". They just can't do better! The question then would be: who can support them so that they learn? How? Can you contribute to enhancing their lives, and their learners' in turn?
Hi Gladys!
I made a mistake, It was G. Hendricks, not Henrichs, He is an Christian Educator and philosopher, who has written some books about Ethics and so on.
Reading again what I've posted, I think I was a bit rude, or I did not write the appropiate words, o maybe a parragragh of my post is lost...
Maybe one of the reasons that teachers do not treat students as human beings is due to their salaries are not reasonable related to the work teachers do, so they need to work many hours and they are tired.
I have to say that really I do not know how I can support them, maybe make them understand that everyone is different...and people could have problems...help me!! you ask me a difficult question!!!
Hope It solves your doubts!
Thanks for the info about Hendricks, Giyo!
I definitely agree with you it's not an easy question... But doesn't remembering people are just "the best they can be, not want to be" help you live with them a little more easily? One of my teachers taught me this lesson years ago, and it's certainly made my life easier! ;-)
yes! everybody behaves in a certain way because we have a reason for being the way we are...this is what it comes to my mind when my students behave in a way I don't expect from them...it makes me live with them a little more easily!
I see your point, Giyo! Now, if you think the problem with your colleagues might be they're exhausted, anything that helps them feel either that they have less work to do or that somebody acknowledges their efforts will make them feel better and is likely to enhance their teaching, isn't it? And, you know, in those terms, just a smile might work wonders!
Go ahead!
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