Think about it!
Ethics is not only what is right or wrong for me and others, but to reflect on our decisions responsibly in order to become everyday a bit more free.
I’ve learned that we need to get our priorities right although we are in a seemengly hopeless situation. And I’ve also learned that although we are frightened to make decisions, it is worth it. Because it means you are alive and kicking, and trying to choose the right path, that is to say, looking for what is convenient for you.
I’ve also found out that as a teenager, I wasn’t totally wrong when I thought that we learn from our own experience because nobody can replace us. Maybe our parents, for example, may help us but experience is unique and nontransferable.
As teachers to be, we should pass all these messages on to our students, in order to contribute to their success of their lives.
Politics and Ethics

Two issues that bear a close relation when we talk about being free to choose or take decisions, for example.
Politics pursues the aim of organizing a peaceful coexistence between human beings in a country so everyone can choose what it is convenient for them.
I think that in order to make an opinion about POLITICS you have to know a lot about the political history of a country, that’s why I can not make an opinion about which one was better than other or why we are going through this current situation in our country.
Savater takes into account two aspects:
The Political System of a country has to respect citizen’s freedom of speech, expresion and choice.
And it also has to guarantee assistance of those who need help or suffer financial problems.
Taking these aspects into account I think that there are many examples in which politicians are not taking conscious decisions about what is ethically correct for us as a society.
Although we live in a “democratic” country, sometimes it seems as if we are under a dictatorial regime where nobody feels free of choosing what it is convenient.
Moreover, we don’t have to watch the tv to see that there are many people from the North who have nothing to eat, we just travel by train and you’ll find many poor, dirty children asking for money.
That’s why I wonder where politicians study ethics, why they can’t do anything to solve our problems, why they vigorously pursue their interests and their needs or the needs of few rich people.
Would it be because the ones who voted for them were not responsible at all?
Simple Pleasures

Sometimes, we don’t want to waste time in doing what we like it because of our work, our studies or our responsiblities, so we finish delaying what is pleasant for us.
Or course, we need to know that doing only what we like it is not healthy.
In this chapter, Savater says that the happiness of doing what is pleasant for us brings pain, death and life and it is bad for us if it doesn’t let us live well. That is to say, when pleasures end and vices begins, nothing is the same.
Let’s enjoy the little things life gives us ( when we could…):
Appreciate beauty
Connect with nature
Have simple pleasures
Connect With People
Rethink your mornings and evenings
Celebrate your successes
"Be happy while you're living, for you're a long time dead."Scottish Proverb