
Think about it!

After all, I’ve reached to the end of Savater‘s book… I feel that I’ve learned more than in many years and it has helped me to find a way to understand the reason for people’s reaction.
Ethics is not only what is right or wrong for me and others, but to reflect on our decisions responsibly in order to become everyday a bit more free.
I’ve learned that we need to get our priorities right although we are in a seemengly hopeless situation. And I’ve also learned that although we are frightened to make decisions, it is worth it. Because it means you are alive and kicking, and trying to choose the right path, that is to say, looking for what is convenient for you.
I’ve also found out that as a teenager, I wasn’t totally wrong when I thought that we learn from our own experience because nobody can replace us. Maybe our parents, for example, may help us but experience is unique and nontransferable.
As teachers to be, we should pass all these messages on to our students, in order to contribute to their success of their lives.

1 comment:

Gladys Baya said...

Wow, Giyo! I'm so glad you've found the experience of reading Savater's book educational... 8-D!!! Every single word you've posted made me smile wider and wider... and before I start thinking of any new questions that mar your beautiful post, just let me send you a cyberhug!

Bye for now,