
Let me be...

When I was a teenager, I wondered so many times when I was going to do what I wanted. So much, that I asked to a Psychology teacher: “when am I going to become independent?”
I remember she answered, “when you would be financiary independent”. But I have to tell you that she didn´t give me a hand. I think that she couldn’t understand what I was talking about. I was talking about of taking decisions freely. It was as if I was always looking for my parents’ disaprroval.
Today, I wonder what would have happened if Savater had been my dad and had told me, “do what you what”. It would have been a disaster!!. Because as a teenager, I wouldn’t have thought twice before making a decision and many of the results wouldn’t be convinient for me or for others. But thinking this twice I wonder what have have happened?? Who knows….
Now, as an adult, I wish I was a teenager to have the same energy to decide on issues without being scared of (bad) consequences.


Lili said...
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Lili said...

Hi Gi,
Who doesn't have fear to make a decision?
But, fear sometimes warns us to think more than once so as not to make mistakes or as less as possible and some other times prevents us from doing wrong.

Gladys Baya said...

I feel Lili is right, Giyo. Fear is not bad in itself, it just shows we're aware of the importance of our choices. Now, we shouldn't let fear "control" our choices, so to put it...

Your remarks about your need to "rebel" against your parents' "commands" during your teen years reminded me of something my psycho once told me: "doing exactly what others DON'T WANT us to do is as bad (or as good, for that matter!) as doing what they WANT us to do". She meant in neither case we're listening to ourselves! Little by little, as we grow up, we can start hearing our own voice. That's the moment when our life truly begins, I say!

Big hug,

PS: mind you, Fernando Savater tells Amador Savater "do what you want", but he also tells him "make sure you really want it" (thinking about the long run too), and "face the consequences". Considering all this, do you think the choices taken can still be so "dangerous"?

Giyo said...

Hi Gladys!
I think that it is not dangerous to make choices, but difficult!!!
Maybe because I hate failing when I choose wrongly...
Let me tell you something...I don't know if it is good or bad, or if it is Savater or You! but I'm changing my thoughts...hahaha!!:)

Gladys Baya said...

It's hard to accept our humanity, isn't it? ;-)
(stop thinking and enjoy life... at least for a moment or two!)